a woman at a coffee shop starting a business on her laptop.

If you’re itching to start something new – whether it’s a side hustle or a complete career change – ideation is the perfect place to begin. As an integral part of the innovation process, ideation involves techniques like brainstorming, mind mapping, and design thinking to generate a wide range of ideas. The goal is to gather a lot of great ideas and evaluate them based on your business goals and skillset. While turning ideas into reality can seem daunting, it’s important not to let that overwhelm you. With the right approach and mindset, you can transform your ideas into successful ventures.

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Ten Businesses You Can Start Today

Here are ten business ideas that can be started today with your existing knowledge with little to no startup investment: (Scroll down for startup tips pertaining to these services)

1. Freelance Writing or Copywriting Services

Do you love writing? All you need is a computer and an internet connection. (If you don’t have personal access to those, head to your public library and start your business in public).

2. Social Media Management and Consulting Services

If you’re ready to move beyond the endless scroll for personal enjoyment, you can start by offering your services to small businesses in your community.

3. Personal Shopping and Styling Services

Transform that love of new things from an expensive habit to a money-maker! Start by offering your services to friends and family, and building your portfolio.

4. Dog-Walking and Pet-Sitting Services

If you love animals, this can be a great way to start a business without any investment outside of your time and affection.

5. Online Tutoring and Educational Resources

Do you have expertise in a particular subject? Create an online course or tutor students remotely.

6. Social Media Influencer or Blogger

When you are passionate about a certain topic, why not get paid to tell others about it? Create content on social media or a blog and monetize it with sponsorships and ads.

7. House Cleaning and Organization Services

To start this small business today all you need is some cleaning supplies and the ability to market your services.

8. Personal Chef or Meal Delivery Services

If you love to cook, you can start a business cooking meals for busy families or individuals. We’ve heard of creative individuals scaling a business like this to six figures by offering in-home meal services to busy families.

9. Car Detailing and Cleaning Services

Passionate about cars? With a small investment in proper cleaning supplies, you can build an entire business by making house calls.

10. Lawn Care and Landscaping Services

Mowing lawns and shoveling snow is not just for teenagers. Start with one specialized tool and grow from there! If you enjoy working outdoors, this can be a great business to start with minimal investment.

Steps to Starting Your New Business…Today!

You’ve got an idea that you know you could make work, so where do you start?

First, Do Your Research

Before you start your new business, it’s important to research the market in your area. Check out your competition and find out what services they offer and how much they charge. This will not only help you see the viability of your idea but will help determine your pricing strategy, ensuring you offer competitive services.

Next, Build Your Portfolio

If you’re offering a digital services business, create a portfolio of your work. This will showcase your skills and experience to potential clients. You can create a website, make a Facebook page, or use a portfolio platform to host your work samples.

If you’re planning on selling physical services to your customers, you’ll want to start building a repertoire of happy customers who will recommend your services to others. Some successful entrepreneurs started their successful companies by offering their services for free to influential acquaintances who would recommend them to their network of relationships.

Then, Find Your First Client

For digital work, reach out to small businesses, startups, and other potential clients in your network to offer your services. You can also find clients through job boards like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr, or by cold emailing businesses in your target market.

For physical work, reach out to your existing network & social media contacts to offer your services. Put ads on Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, and any other job board in your local community.

Finally, Register Your Business

Choose a name that hasn’t already been taken in your state of residence. Register your business and set up a separate bank account for your freelance income. You may also need to obtain any necessary licenses or permits to operate your business legally.

While all of this could technically be done today, each of these steps could take you some time. The main thing is to not give up on the pursuit of your new business! Keep learning and developing your skills to stay competitive in the market, and seek out feedback from clients and peers to improve your work. This can help you continue to grow your business over time.

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